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Your Voice Over Rates Examined: The Hidden Rate Sales Pitch

This week on the blog I’m expanding on some of the responses I received to a question I asked last week. “Do you post your voice over rates online? Why or why not?

My goal with these posts is to play devil’s advocate, in a sense. To get you to consider a different perspective. I’m not here to tell you whether or not to post your rates. That’s a decision that you’ll have to make for yourself based on what you believe is the best practice for you and your business.

Looking For Information

hidden-feesHave you ever done a Google search for a product, service or brand to try and find their web site? Of course you have. Most of us are inclined to do a little research before we make a purchase or do business with someone.

Let me ask you another question. Have you ever used the web to comparison shop? Before you make a big purchase, or perhaps a small one, I’m willing to bet most people try and find where they can get what they want for the best deal.

Here’s another question. Have you ever visited a web site and left frustrated because the pricing information you wanted wasn’t there? In the place of pricing is a message to “call to request a quote.”

The Sales Pitch

Personally, I always search for prices online. I am a big time comparison shopper and I can promise you if the pricing info isn’t on the web site, I will most definitely take my business elsewhere.

The last thing I want to do with my time is spend it calling a number. I know as soon as I make that phone call I’m going to get a sales pitch. Most likely, that pitch will last five or ten or twenty minutes before I ever get to hear a price. I don’t know about you, but I have better things to do with my time.

The Results

One of the reasons why voice talents told me they don’t post their rates online is because they want the client to call them so they can try and close the deal.

I’m not saying there’s no merit to it, and I’m sure that it does work. Sometimes. I just know it wouldn’t work for me.

If I hate having to call for rates and pricing, I’m willing to bet a lot of other people to do.

For this reason alone, I made the decision to post my voice over rate card online.

Since I posted my voice over rates on my web site at the beginning of 2013, I’ve booked more work through my site than I ever did when I asked potential clients to contact me for a quote.

QUESTION: What do you think?
