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Your Voice Over Rates Examined: The Tale of Two Clients

Last week I asked the question, “Do you post your voice over rates online? Why or why not?” I shared it throughout my social network and received many thought provoking responses. Thank you to each of you that replied!

For those that weren’t aware, let me mention up front that I do share my rates online and I believe it’s a good move. Ultimately, however, the decision to post your voice over rates a personal one. You’ll have to weigh the pros and cons and do what you think it best for you and your business.

With all this in mind, this week on the blog I’ll be expanding on some of the responses I received. Playing devil’s advocate, if you will. I hope that it will initiate some good discussion, and hopefully it will be an encouragement and help to you in making your own decision.

Two Customers. One Product

balanced-scaleLet’s say there are two customers going to Walmart.

One of the customers drives a Ford. They earn about $30,000 a year. They live in a modest apartment. They live within their means. Enjoy one or two vacations a year. Their household budget gets tight, sometimes. But they get by and enjoy life.

The other customer drives a Mercedes. Their salary is significantly more. Well into the six figure bracket. They live in a 3,500 square foot home with a perfectly manicured lawn and a pool. They have a cottage by the lake. Many of their weekends are spent there during the summer. Money is no object. They have all they need and much of what they want.

Both have come to Walmart to buy a pair of blue jeans.

Let me ask you, is it reasonable to assume that both customers should pay the same price for the same pair of jeans? I’m sure you’d agree that it is. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard of Walmart charging double or trip the sticker price, simply because one person with a higher income can afford to pay more.

Two Clients. One Rate

One of the reasons several talent mentioned not posting their rates online is because it leaves no room to negotiate for a higher budget.

In other words, if a client has the potential for a bigger budget, the talent doesn’t want to leave any money on the table.

Remember our Walmart customers, both shopping for the same pair of jeans and both of them paying the same price, regardless of what they can afford?

In my opinion, a two minute non broadcast voice over for a web video is the same project, regardless of whether the client is an independent businessman working on a startup, or a well established corporation with an annual revenue in the millions.

To be clear, some voice over clients will want to or offer to pay more. That’s their prerogative to do so.

I set my rates based on my work and fair value exchange and based on the main categories I work in. Not based on how much a client may or may not be able to afford.

QUESTION: What do you think?
