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4 Reasons You’re Seeing a Lowball Budget

Negotiating Voice-over RatesMy grandpa could buy anything for a quarter. It was a gift that he possessed that I was entirely in awe of. Now, granted, he bought the vast majority of his toys, tools, collectibles and other stuff at yard sales. Regardless, I don’t think he ever paid more than a quarter for anything.

The man could negotiate. And negotiate he did! Continue reading 4 Reasons You’re Seeing a Lowball Budget

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5 Tips For Working With First Time Voice Over Clients

Man and Woman Shaking Hands - First Time ClientsWhen a first time voice seeker comes to you for a job there’s a chance they’ve done their research. They may know exactly what they’re looking for and how the process works from script delivery to audio delivery to payment.

There is also a chance that they won’t have a clue! Continue reading 5 Tips For Working With First Time Voice Over Clients