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Getting The Most Out Of A Voice Over Conference

This weekend I’ll be attending VO Atlanta. I’m looking forward to sitting on a panel, attending a number of the sessions, and of course, connecting with friends and colleagues.

A conference can be a big investment, particularly when travel is involved. How do you get the most out of that investment? Here’s 5 tips to maximize your time at a voice over conference.

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5 Reasons To Attend A Voice Over Conference

Lately there have been a few really great discussion threads on the topic of voice over conferences. Why to attend them? Why not to attend them? What purpose do they serve? I shared a few quick thoughts on one of the threads, but thought I’d expand on it a bit further here.

Before we dive in, let me say if you’re thinking you’re going to find voice over clients, you’re coming from the wrong direction. That’s not the purpose of these conference. Not directly, anyway. Does that mean they have no value? If they have no work potential, that is? Absolutely not! Personally, I think they come with a ton of potential for new opportunities.

5 Reasons To Attend A Voice Over Conference

Personal Development: An investment in your personal development is never a bad investment. If you attend these conferences with an open mind, you can learn a ton! Here’s just one example. While sitting in on a session about Adobe Audition hosted by Uncle Roy, I learned two tricks in the software I wasn’t previously aware of. I can’t even begin to tell you how much time those tricks have saved me!

Networking: Meeting and connecting with fellow VO’s is great, but it goes beyond that. Looking for a new demo? Odds are you’ll connect with a producer. Looking for a new demo player? I met Bob Merkel and discovered VoiceZam at WoVO Con. Need help with a legal matter? Also thanks to WoVO, I was connected to Rob Sciglimpaglia, who helped me resolve an issue. You’ll meet all kinds of people who can help you in your business.

Confidence Boost: For me, attending a conference is a big step outside my comfort zone. I’m very introverted and shy. Being in a big group of people like that can be stressful for me. However, once I started meeting people, having conversations and developing relationships, my confidence grew. An unexpected and welcome result!

Creativity: Between the sessions I attended, the people I met, the stories I heard and the stories I told, I walked away from WoVO Con with a renewed creative drive. Coming home, I re-evaluated a number of aspects of my business and made some changes based on things I learned.

New Work: No, you’re not likely to meet new clients. Yes, you are likely to learn tips, tricks and techniques to help you find new work. Attending one great session on social media or marketing can make a world of difference in your business. This simple truth is reason enough to attend on its own.

Pick One; Plan To Attend

There are a lot of arguments why not to attend. Cost is always one of the biggest ones. I want to challenge that mindset. Stop looking at voice over conferences as a cost. Instead, see them as an investment. That’s what they are. Not unlike purchasing a microphone, making an ad buy on Facebook, picking up supplies for your office or adding a new piece of equipment to your audio chain.

Stop looking at voice over conferences as a cost. Instead, see them as an investment. Click To Tweet

WoVO Con was a brilliant investment for me in 2015. Honestly, one of my best investments dollar for dollar when looking at the value I walked away with. That’s why it’s absolutely going on my schedule for 2016 when the next one is announced.

Whether it’s WoVO, VO Atlanta, FaffCon or any other one that’s out there, I strongly encourage you to consider attending at least one. Check out the speakers. Review the schedule. See the sessions being offered. Decide which one will give you the most value, then set a goal and make a plan to attend. You won’t regret it!

Thanks for sharing this post from Marc Scott's Voice Over Blog.

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The Importance of Investing in Personal Development

Money spent on Personal Development will ALWAYS be money well spend when it comes to strengthening and growing your voice over business. Want some help getting started? Check out the following blogs…

5 Books That Can Help Grow Your Voice Over Business –

5 Must Read Books To Assist In Your Voice Over Success –

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