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How to Shift Your Mindset

Thoughts are things.

Do you believe that?

What we think. The narrative we feed our minds. That will have an impact on our lives. Our businesses. Our success.

Trying to think positive all the time isn’t easy. For many, it doesn’t come natural. It certainly didn’t for me!

In this video I share what I did to shift my mindset and how it made a difference for me.

Learn how to change your mindset and in turn, change your chances at success. #vopreneur
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Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back in Voice Over?

What we think. The stories we tell ourselves. They all build a narrative that becomes our reality. Good or bad.

If you’re holding onto limiting beliefs, that could be the wall that’s standing between you and success in your voice over business.

In this Facebook Live broadcast, I get real with you about a limiting belief I held over myself and how I broke through it. You can too!

Don’t let limiting beliefs stand in the way of your #voiceover dreams! #vopreneur
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Get in touch with the coaches mentioned in this blog!

Everett Oliver – Click Here

“Uncle” Roy Yokelson – Click Here

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Have vs Want: The Power of a Word

Think about these two statements…

I have to do marketing today.

I want to do marketing today.

Which one has the greatest appeal to you? Which one is more motivating? Which one sounds like an opportunity?

Have To

When I start out my day telling myself, “I have to do marketing today,” I’m immediately setting myself up for a chore. By the seemingly insignificant choice of a single word, it shifts my entire mindset into a negative one. Usually, before I’ve even rolled out of bed.

We don’t generally like it when people tell us we have to do something.

Are you a parent? When you say to your kids, “you have to pick up your toys,” or, “you have to brush your teeth,” or, “you have to go to bed now,” what kind of reaction to you generally get?

Excitement or protest?

Why should we expect anything different from ourselves?

Marketing your voice over business can be hard work. Sending those emails. Making those calls. Getting in all those touches on social media. All the while, never knowing for sure if it’s going to pay off. Yeah… it can hard work.

Why make it even more challenging for yourself by going in with a negative mindset?

Want To

On the flip side, how do you feel when you want to do something?

I want to go shopping.

I want to watch my favourite TV show.

I want to spend a week’s vacation on a beach.

Does that get you charged up? It gets me charged up! When I want to do something, generally speaking, it’s a much more positive experience for me than having to do something.

Two simple words. By all accounts, many would consider them interchangeable. In reality, they’re not. At all!

Whether we realize it, intend it or consider it, have (in this context), comes with an implication of a negative force, whereas want suggests opportune choice.

The Power of a Word

I’m focusing on being much more conscious of my word choices these days, and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you it’s making a difference.

When I start my day telling myself, “I want to do some marketing today,” one way or another, it always gets done. Something else I’ve noticed, when I come at it from free choice with a positive mindset, my ROI seems to be higher too!

What about you?

Do you have to do marketing today?

Or, do you want to do marketing today?

Thanks for sharing this post from Marc Scott's Voice Over Blog.

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Facing Your Greatest Weakness

If you’ve ever sat through a job interview, odds are you’ve faced this line of questioning.

“Tell me your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.”

Show of hands… who else hates that question?

During my last interview in radio I was asked this question. How the crap are you supposed to answer that? If you’re too focused on your greatest strength, you risk crossing a line from confident to cocky. If you’re too revealing with your greatest weakness, you risk crossing a line from qualified to not.

Identify Your Greatest Weakness

Strengths and Weaknesses - Marc Scott Voice OverThis is something I’ve been thinking on a lot lately, but not because I’m preparing for a job interview. No, I’ve been thinking through it because until I’m able to identify, confront and work through my greatest weakness, I feel like it could become a barrier standing between me and the level of success I desire to achieve.

Time and again, I’ve proven I can be a champion and encourager for others. Time and again, I’ve proven I cut myself virtually no slack.

This could be my greatest weakness.

Facing Your Greatest Weakness

When I need support and encouragement, I usually give myself flack and verbal or mental lashing. I’ve got crazy aggressive goals and it frustrates me when I feel like I’m falling behind.

Thing is, I’m realizing I’m not doing myself any favours by being hard on myself.

That’s not to say I don’t need a kick in the butt from time to time. We all need those! It’s just to say, I seem to be able to so easily identify when others need a word of encouragement, but often miss it in myself.

What is it they say, the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one?

After spending some time working through this, and identifying what is clearly a weakness, I’m now conscious of what needs to be done to correct it. If I can encourage myself the way I’m able to encourage others, that’ll be a game-changer.

Your Turn

So what’s your greatest weakness, and what step can you take today to facing it?

It could be a game-changer for you too!

Thanks for sharing this post from Marc Scott's Voice Over Blog.