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Are You The Right Kind of Great?

We all want to do great work for our voice over clients, and we all go to great lengths to make it so.

Or, at least, we all should be.

We make investments in training to make sure we deliver great reads. Working with top coaches and mentors. Practicing daily. Attending conferences and workshops to constantly improve our craft.

We make investments in equipment to make sure we provide great sound. Microphones, interfaces, editing software, our recording space. We’re always adding, tweaking, improving.

We make investments in demos to provide great impressions. When potential clients are hearing us for the first time, we want it to sound professional, current, relevant. We work on demos for all kinds of genres to make sure we’ve got something for every one.

All of these are important. Great reads. Great sound. Great demos.

There’s one more great, though, that I think could be even more important with the rest.

Don’t just do great work. Be great to work with! #vopreneur
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We need to be great to work with.

When you’re great to work with, clients come back.

When you’re great to work with, clients tell their friends.

When you’re great to work with, opportunities come easier and more frequently.