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Your Unique Voice

Voice ActingSome call it voice acting. Therein lies an implication that you should act. While I don’t disagree that there is a certain amount of acting that does take place or can take place depending on the project, I sincerely believe that nothing in this business is more important than valuing your unique voice.

I sincerely believe that nothing in this business is more important than valuing your unique voice.

You bring something to the table that no one else can bring. Your voice. Your personality. Your delivery. You interpretation. No two auditions will ever sound the same because we all have our own style. Our own flavour.

It can be easy to forget this sometimes because so often we see clients and producers looking for the same thing. A certain celebrity or a replica of a certain commercial or particular delivery style. We try so hard to be all these different things that it’s possible to lose sight of what we are first. Ourself.

You Could Be The First Time

What makes the certain celebrity voice special is it’s uniqueness. What makes that certain commercial so great is what the original talent brought to the recording. That particular delivery style that everybody wants… nobody had ever heard it until it was delivered the first time.

Within each of us that do voice over for a living is the potential to deliver that next great read, that next great style or to be that next great voice! We do this when we bring our uniqueness to every demo we create and every audition we participate in. You could be the next first time for a new trend!

Each time you book a job it’s because you’re exactly what a client is looking for. It’s why you beat out everybody else. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t ever lose your unique voice trying to be someone else’s.

As you head into your auditions today take this little nugget with you.

Be Yourself. Everyone else is taken.