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Your Rankings On Voice123

Voice123 RankingI’ve been a happy customer of Voice123 for a few years now. I had success with it right from the very beginning. As I’ve booked more work and become more polished my success has only continued to grow. I went from booking a gig or two a month to booking a few gigs each week.

As a result of my success on the site people often ask me for advice on the system. One of the most common questions I receive is regarding the Voice123 ranking system.

I don’t know all the ins and outs of the ranking system, and what I’m about to tell you could be entirely off base. However, what I’m about to tell you is also based on my experience with the system and the success that I’ve found.

The following rankings are available for Voice Seekers to leave for Voice Talents who audition:

  • Finalist
  • Considering
  • Maybe
  • Not likely
  • Won’t be considered at all

There are a few things I’ve noticed over the years:

1) The vast majority of the auditions I submit receive no ranking whatsoever. I counted 14 of my last 40 auditions or 35% that were ranked.

2) Based on my experience I would suggest that most clients do not understand how the ranking system works. For example, I’ve been ranked 1 and Finalist on projects with 29 others. Or, I’ve been ranked 2 and Won’t Be Considered At All on projects with 25 others. I don’t want to speak on behalf of Voice123 and their system, but I don’t think that’s how they intended it to work.

3) I ask every client that books me if they’d rank me Finalist on their project. Approximately 1 in 10 actually do. The most common reason I receive on why they don’t, “I don’t know how.”

4) Last year I was ranked in the 98th percentile on the Voice123 system and I booked a few gigs a month. Currently, I’m ranked in the 78th percentile and I’m booking a few gigs a week. What does that tell you about the ranking system?

5) Checking my rankings only stressed me out.


I’ve been a Voice123 member since 2008. In that time I’ve seen every combination of rankings you can imagine. A couple months ago, in a single week, I ranked 1 and Finalist on $10,000 worth of jobs and I didn’t book a single one of them. In the past I’ve also been ranked 15 and Maybe and got the gig without my ranking ever being changed.

I honestly think you could make yourself crazy trying to read and understand the ranking system. I did. I got tired of Finalist rankings that never panned out. I got tired of placing second and getting You Won’t Be Considered At All rankings that killed my overall score.

That’s why I stopped.

I don’t look at my rankings or my scores anymore because I don’t care. There is only one result that matters to me. Did I get the job? If I did, I’ll be hearing from the client. If I didn’t, I don’t want to stress over it. I just count it as a practice and consider myself one step closer to my next booked gig.

Be selective. Audition for the projects that best match your voice and your niche. Submit your best work every time. Let the rest take care of itself.

What do you think? Have you got any other advice to offer on the system?