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Voice123 Rankings: A Different Perspective

Voice123 RankingA little over a month ago I wrote a post about the ranking system on Voice123. You can read that post here. I’ve been a happy user of Voice123 for several years now. During that time I’ve learned a bit about the system and how it works.

Drawing from my experiences I shared some of my thoughts on their ranking system. For some talent it’s the be all end all. They live and die by the rankings they receive. For others, it’s insignificant to them. And still for some they’re simply confused by it because they don’t fully understand it.

I wrote from the perspective of a Voice Talent. Today I want to share a post written from the perspective of a Voice Seeker.

Steven Lowell shared a post on Twitter yesterday titled “Voice Seeker Perspectives of Feedback for Voice Talent“.

I’d encourage you to take a few minutes to read through that post and get a different and very insightful perspective on the system. I hope you find it as useful as I did.