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How To Use Pinterest For Your Voice Over Business

Have you ever questioned whether you’re a voice actor or a social media manger? I know sometimes it can probably feel like the latter. After all, with so many different social networks out there, and with the benefits of maintaining a presence on them, it can become quite time consuming!

The standard networks most voice talents seem to use are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Let me ask you, have you ever considered using Pinterest?

More Than Just Recipes

marc-scott-explainer-pinterestI’ll admit that I avoided Pinterest for years. In fact, I felt fortunate that it was an “unnecessary” social network for me. It meant it was one less website demanding my time!

As far as I could tell, it was a great place to share recipes, craft ideas, fashion photos and ideas for hairstyles. Beyond that, there was seemingly no benefit to me as a voice actor.

Turns out, it’s more than just recipes!

How To Use Pinterest For Your Voice Over Business

I’ve only been on Pinterest for a month or two. However, I’ve already got a few different boards set up. A few of them, I believe, will be of great benefit to my voice over business!

I have a board set up for my demos – Follow It

I have a board for my Explainer Videos – Follow It

I have a board for my other voice work – Follow It

I have a board for voice over “stuff” – Follow It

One Benefit Of Pinterest

One of the great things about Pinterest is that it gives me a place to collect all my content in one place.

I specialize in voice over work for animated explainer videos. If a client asks to hear samples of my work, I can send them to my Pinterest board and many of my projects are there! Easy.

If you specialize in a few different niche areas, you could set up a board for each one.

Is It Time Consuming?


Adding samples of your voice over work to Pinterest is as simple as copying links from YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud or wherever else your content is posted.

It might take a little time to set up your boards initially. However, once they’re done, it’s a few minutes here and there each time you want to add something new.

Unlike other social networks, you don’t need to be on Pinterest daily to make it useful and enjoy the benefits.

If you’d like to check out my Pinterest account to get some ideas visit

Happy pinning!

For Comment: Do you use Pinterest? Why or why not?

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The Secret To Booking Voice Over Work Via Social Media

There’s a been a lot of talk lately about the value of social media when it comes to booking voice over work. A lot of people who are much wiser than me have shared their thoughts on the subject.

Is There Value In Social Media

social-media-likeQuestions such as, “Can you book work via social media?”,  “Can you measure the ROI of social media?”, and “Which social networking platforms offer the most value?” have all been explored.

While I don’t consider myself to be an expert on the subject of social media / social networking, I can say that I’ve booked voice over work directly via Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

So for those of you that are tweeting and updating and “plus oneing” away, wondering if it’s all for nothing, or if one day it will lead to work, I’m going to let you in on one of the secrets to my success.

The Secret To Booking Voice Over Work Via Social Media

Five of the most important words you can ask yourself when it comes to social networking are, who is in your network? Are all your Twitter Followers, Facebook Likes, Google+ Circles and LinkedIn Connections other voice over actors? 

“Building a network of voice actors is the social media equivalent of preaching to the choir.” Tweet This

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with having a network of peers. I follow and am followed by tons of voice actors and love engaging with them daily. However, other voice actors aren’t likely to be booking you for voice over work.

The secret to voice over social media success: Build a network of potential clients. Tweet This

Be Intentional About Building Your Network

Networking-Event-ConnectingWhen you’re building your network on whatever your social media platform of choice is, specifically seek out contacts that are working in your genre. If you’re all about voicing audiobooks, follow authors, audiobook producers, publishers. If you voice characters for video games, follow game developers and production houses that work on those projects.

Build a network of potential clients and engage with them consistently. Like or +1 their updates. Share their tweets. Comment on their blog posts.

With the right network, and by sharing the right content at the right times, you’re going to start reaching the right people with your message. And those people are much more likely to take advantage of your services.

For Comment: Have you booked work via social media?


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5 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

With all the various social networks that are at our disposal, it can be a challenge to know where to devote or time and energy. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn are all calling out to us.

Personally, I like LinkedIn. It’s a great way to stay connected to clients and colleagues and it’s also been a source of work for me. I try to spend time on the site daily, and am always updating my profile with the latest information.

If you don’t have a lot of time to devote to the site, there are a few things you can do with minimal effort to make your profile better and more likely to standout in searches.

5 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

linkedin-endorsements1) Headline: Voice Over, Voice Actor, Voice Talent, one or some combination of these terms needs to be in your headline. Not Self Employed or Owner or Entrepreneur or worse yet, nothing at all. This is good for your SEO.

2) Contact Info: Don’t leave this blank. If someone wants to reach you, make it easy for them. Include your email, your web site, your Twitter account, etc.

3) Custom URL: If you haven’t set one of these up, do it. It makes it so much easier for you to promote your profile and include it in email signatures, on business cards or marketing materials, etc.

4) Experience: If you check my LinkedIn Profile under Experience, you’ll see all my video demos. It’s just one more place to post your demos for free. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

5) Connections: Talk to any LinkedIn Expert (I am not one) and they’ll all tell you the same thing. The more connections you have the better. For you, for SEO and for visibility. Use the email search tool to build your connection list. Aim for 500+.

If we haven’t “linked” yet, send me a request. I’d be happy to include you in my network.

For Comment: Does LinkedIn work for you?
