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Are Limiting Beliefs Impacting Your Voice Over Success

Is it possible that limiting and negative beliefs about money could be holding you back from achieving a new level of success in your voice over career? Let me tell you about my experience, and how changing my attitude changed everything!

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How To Stop Working For Less

A question I’m often asked by voice actors, particularly people that are newer to the business or trying to establish themselves is, “how can I stop working for less?”

Nobody likes to work for peanuts. Nobody likes to bid on jobs and be undercut. Nobody wants to suffer the fate of a long line of gigs booked through Fiverr.

You want to make a living, right? We all do!

How To Stop Working For Less

When I’m asked this question, I always give the same answer. Most talent are rather surprised by it. The truth is, it’s nothing profound. Not at all. In fact, some have got upset with me. Annoyed. Others felt like I was just blowing them off.

Here’s the thing…

The reason you’re still working for less is because you keep working for less. Click to Tweet

The truth is, you’re doing it to yourself.

Break The Cycle

break the cycleIf you want to lose weight, but keep eating fast food and donuts every single day, how do you think your weight loss goals are going to be achieved?

If you want to save money for a vacation, but keep up your regular spending habits, do you think you’ll ever see that vacation?

If you want to make more money in voice over, do you think you’ll squeeze it from the same lowballing clients you’ve been working with?

There’s no magic trick. It’s not some hidden fact of the universe that only a select few are privy to. If you want new results, you’ve got to try new methods.

Step 1: Raise the bar and start finding better clients.


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Why You Need A Fun Fund

Two things you’re thinking as you read the title of this blog. First, “this is a voice over blog. Now Marc is offering financial advice?” Two, “there’s a difference between wants and needs and we can’t always get what we want.”

To address the first concern, yes, this is a voice over blog. No, I am not a financial guru, and would never claim to be one. That said, I implemented a rule in my life at the beginning of the year that has changed my life. So what I have to say is worth hearing. Continue reading Why You Need A Fun Fund

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Today’s Top Posts – June 4

Collecting Money From Clients Who Don't PayHere’s a few of my favourite blog reads from today with credit to the people who shared them on Twitter.

Collecting Money From Clients Who Don’t Pay
Shared by @voicesdotcom

At some point in your career as a Voice Talent there is a distinct possibility that this is going to happen to you. It’s a pain in the butt, to be certain, but in this podcast you’ll find some practical tips on how get paid. Continue reading Today’s Top Posts – June 4