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The Voice Over Success Equation

“You’re so lucky to have landed that national commercial.”

“I can’t believe you signed with that agency. You’re so lucky.”

“I wish I could achieve the level of success you have. You’ve been really lucky.”

“Your rates are much higher than mine. You’re lucky to be able to charge that much.”

Have you said any of these things before? Or had them spoken to you?

The Voice Over Fairy

The Voice Over FairyThe thing about each of these statements is they’re event focused and come with the assumption that each event was the result of luck.

Like some kind of magical voice over fairy waived his or her magic wand and voila… you’re a success!

You’re booking big jobs. Landing the best agents. Earning great money.

Let me go ahead and blow your mind right now…

There’s no magical voice over fairy.


Behind The Success Curtain

This is the Wizard of Oz part of the blog. The part where I let you peak behind the curtain and discover how it really works.

Behind the curtain you will see process. Process, not luck, is what leads to success.

“I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” Thomas Jefferson

Before that national commercial was booked, how many locals were first done?

Before that agency signing how many countless hours of groundwork was laid?

How many years of struggle proceeded the successful years?

How many $100 jobs were booked before the $500 jobs started coming?

Some people will look at events (the booking, the signing, etc) and assume it’s due to luck. Luck they of course are not blessed with. The world is against them. The man. The universe. Whomever. Whatever. There are plenty of people and circumstances to blame.

Of course, the finger would never point back at themselves.

The Success Equation

The reality is there’s a lengthy process that leads to each of those events.

  • Time spent with coaches.
  • Countless conversations with mentors.
  • Courses taken.
  • Books read.
  • Hundreds of auditions. Maybe more.
  • More rejection than one would care to recall or admit to.
  • Enough marketing emails, postcards and calls to fill the yellow pages.

the-success-equationAll of these things are the process. The process from which luck is created. Yes, you read that correctly. Luck doesn’t happen to you. Luck is created by you. It’s created by your effort. Energy. Work ethic.

The next time a fellow talent achieves a milestone, do yourself (and them) a favour. Don’t credit luck and be discouraged that no such luck has found it’s way to you.

Instead, congratulate them on their hard work and commitment and maybe offer to buy them a coffee and quiz them about how they’ve done it.

Do that, and you’ll be one step closer to creating your own luck.

Thanks for sharing this post from Marc Scott's Voice Over Blog.

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Remove This Word From Your Vocabulary In 2014


I want you to do yourself a favour. Just go ahead and remove that word from your vocabulary this year.

Next time you want to wish someone “good luck,” say, “all the best,” instead. Book a really big job? Think it was because you’re “lucky.” It’s not. It’s because you’re blessed. Or, maybe it’s because you’re skilled. Could it be because you worked hard?

Stop Crediting Luck

four-leaf-cloverThe whole idea of “luck” is rather frustrating to me, if I’m being honest. Do we really give credit to rabbits feet? Leprechauns? Four-leaf clovers? When good things happen to us, can we honestly claim it happened by chance? A mystical lining of the cherries on some magical universal slot machine?

I don’t know about you, but I work hard. Every day I hit the ground running to build my voice over business. I’m reaching out to clients. I’m searching for leads. I’m submitting auditions, demos, proposals, quotes. I’m spending time on social media. I’m writing blog posts.

Credit Where It’s Due

  • Sweat equity.
  • Perseverance.
  • Persistence.
  • Work ethic.

If you want to give credit to any of those factors, by all means. But please, don’t ever tell me I’m “lucky to be so successful.”

If you want to say anything, tell me I’m blessed. Truly I am. If you don’t believe in God, that’s ok. I won’t make you. But I will tell you that when good things happen in my voice over business, I always take a moment to give credit where it’s due. To my Maker!

Get To Work

If you sit around in the office / studio all day waiting for luck to strike, I’ll tell you right now, it’s going to be a long year for you friend! Is it success you seek? Prosperity? Great clients? A little brand recognition? You will not achieve any of these things by chance. I don’t care what your Magic 8 Ball or horoscope says.

The key to having a great year this year is removing the word luck from your vocabulary and replacing it with “hard work” which always leads to “blessings.”

QUESTION: Do you believe in luck or hard work?