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5 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

With all the various social networks that are at our disposal, it can be a challenge to know where to devote or time and energy. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn are all calling out to us.

Personally, I like LinkedIn. It’s a great way to stay connected to clients and colleagues and it’s also been a source of work for me. I try to spend time on the site daily, and am always updating my profile with the latest information.

If you don’t have a lot of time to devote to the site, there are a few things you can do with minimal effort to make your profile better and more likely to standout in searches.

5 Ways To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

linkedin-endorsements1) Headline: Voice Over, Voice Actor, Voice Talent, one or some combination of these terms needs to be in your headline. Not Self Employed or Owner or Entrepreneur or worse yet, nothing at all. This is good for your SEO.

2) Contact Info: Don’t leave this blank. If someone wants to reach you, make it easy for them. Include your email, your web site, your Twitter account, etc.

3) Custom URL: If you haven’t set one of these up, do it. It makes it so much easier for you to promote your profile and include it in email signatures, on business cards or marketing materials, etc.

4) Experience: If you check my LinkedIn Profile under Experience, you’ll see all my video demos. It’s just one more place to post your demos for free. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

5) Connections: Talk to any LinkedIn Expert (I am not one) and they’ll all tell you the same thing. The more connections you have the better. For you, for SEO and for visibility. Use the email search tool to build your connection list. Aim for 500+.

If we haven’t “linked” yet, send me a request. I’d be happy to include you in my network.

For Comment: Does LinkedIn work for you?


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Don’t Make This Voice Over Demo Posting Mistake

I have voice over demos posted everywhere. On my web site. On Pay 2 Play sites like Voice123, Voices, bodalgo and The Voice Realm. I have my demos posted on my Facebook page, my Tumblr blog and my LinkedIn Profile. I’ve got them on SoundCloud and Pintrest too.

Basically, if I can find a place to post my demos, I will.

Today I want to take specifically about posting your demos on your personal web site. Continue reading Don’t Make This Voice Over Demo Posting Mistake