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Creating Keyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Audition

If you’re using Adobe Audition and have not yet discovered (or taken advantage of) Keyboard Shortcuts, let me tell you right now… you’re missing out!

Talk about a time saver. For the few minutes it takes you to set them up, you’ll gain back hours of your life (not scientifically verified) during the editing process.

I’m currently using CS6 for Mac. This quick little step by step guide will take you through the process. Here’s hoping it’s the same for PC. If not.. buy a Mac. 😉 (That was a joke… please don’t send me angry emails!)

Setting Up Keyboard Shortcuts Step 1

Under the Edit Menu, scroll down to the bottom. You’ll see Keyboard Shortcuts.


Step 2

A new window will pop up. From this window you’ll see all the various menus you can choose functions from. For me, I previously went through and set my most used functions as Favourites. This made finding them and setting shortcuts for them very quick and easy.

adobe-audition-keyboard-shortcuts-2Step 3

Once you’ve found the function you want to set a shortcut for, simply click in the empty space under the Shortcut heading and type the key (or key combination) you want to use. In this example, I’ve set H for Auto Heal.

adobe-audition-keyboard-shortcuts-3Step 4

Repeat step 3 over and over until you’ve set all the shortcuts you want. I played around with mine and tried to group my main ones onto close keys to make it even easier. I also tried to make it somewhat intuitive so I could remember them.

A few examples…

  • Auto Heal – H
  • Processing for my voice – V
  • Brush Tool – B
  • Normalize – N

Play with the keys and find something that works for you. Once you’re all set up, it’ll be happy editing indeed!

If you need a little extra help getting yours set up, comment or send me an email. I’d be happy to talk you through it.

Thanks for sharing this post from Marc Scott's Voice Over Blog.


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5 Script Tips For Voice Seekers

Recording a Voice-overYou’ve got your vision. You’ve written your script. You’ve auditioned voice talent. You’ve picked your winner. Now it’s time to get down to business. It’s time to take that vision and make it a reality. Produce that commercial. Create that video. Update that phone system.

You’re ready to record.

Now what? Continue reading 5 Script Tips For Voice Seekers

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What Audio Editing Software Do You Use?

Pro Tools 10When I first started doing voice-over work many moons ago, I used Cool Edit. Those of you that have been around long enough will recognize that name. Others will most likely only know it as Adobe Audition.

When I made the switch to Mac there were fewer options available to me, and I ended up going with Pro Tools. I am not in a band. I am not a sound engineer. I have never, and likely will never produce a 256 track voice-over. Pro Tools worked, it was what was available, but it was far more than anything I needed.

I need to record single track audio.

Sometimes a few more if I’m producing a spot.

I’m now running an older version of Pro Tools. Version 8. It’s up to version 10 now, and I know I’m due for an upgrade.

Now that I’m likely going to spending some money anyway, I’m looking at my options. Do I stick with Pro Tools and upgrade to version 10? Do I make the switch to Logic and stay all Apple? Or do I go back to what I started with and loved and get the Mac version of Adobe Audition?

What do you guys use? What do you recommend? I’d love a little feedback and insight.