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How Long Should My Voiceover Demo Be?

QuestionI think the PVR is one of mankind’s greatest achievements. Perhaps my standards are a little low. But really… I do.

Did you know the average one hour primetime television drama is actually only around 45 minutes long? That means the other 15 minutes are commercials. Can you sit through commercials? I can’t anymore. Not since I got my PVR a couple years ago. Now, watching commercials is like watching paint dry. Unless it’s a funny commercial. Or one I voiced. 😉 Continue reading How Long Should My Voiceover Demo Be?

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The Guardian – Best Commercial Of 2012 So Far?

The Guardian - Three Little PigsI watch commercials sometimes. I know. That makes me weird. In fact, sometimes I pay more attention to commercials than I do to the actual show that I’ve tuned into. I do this because I’m a Voice Talent. I like to listen to the voiceover work other talents are doing. How they sound. How they read. How the interpret a script. It’s research. It’s personal development. Continue reading The Guardian – Best Commercial Of 2012 So Far?

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Be Original

Some people think that I just sit around all day with my iPhone in hand waiting for people to call me and ask me to voice stuff for them. As much as I wish this were true, and occasionally it is, for the most part there is a little more effort involved. Or a lot. I do have a lot of established clients who are fantastic to work with, but they didn’t just magically find me one day. Continue reading Be Original