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How To Make Decisions That Lead To Success

When it’s still 30C (86F) at night, the last thing I want to do is drag my comfy butt off the couch and go for a run.

But I have a goal to get from 5k runs (2014) to a 10k run (2015).

I don’t feel like running… but I run.

decision-makingWhen I’ve spent a week sending marketing emails, and nobody seems to be replying, I don’t want to send anymore.

But I have a goal about how much I want to earn this year.

I don’t feel like marketing… but I market.

When I look at that beautiful bottle of Dr Pepper sitting right next to that healthy bottle of water, which do you suppose I’d rather drink?

But I have a goal about my target weight and fitness level.

I don’t feel like drinking water… but I drink water.

When the sun is shining through my bedroom window and I’m still comfy and sleepy, I kinda just want to hang out a little longer.

But I have goals about how much I’m going to grow my business this year.

I don’t feel like getting out of bed… but I get out of bed.

When I read about the latest widget, or better yet, do a voice over that promotes the latest widget, often, I want to rush out and buy the widget.

But I have a goal about my investment savings.

I don’t feel like saving instead of spending… but I save.

How To Make Decisions That Lead To Success

Some people make decisions based on feelings.

Successful people make decisions based on goals.

Successful people make decisions based on goals. Tweet This

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