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Five Steps For A Winning Fourth Quarter

The fourth quarter… the last opportunity to go for the win.

Well, if you’re playing basketball or football, anyway.

October, November, December mark the fourth quarter for 2016 in your voice over business. This is your opportunity to make all those goals and New Year’s Resolutions you made back in January a reality.

Time may be running out, but it’s still possible!

Are You Ready For The Fourth Quarter?

About this time each year, I like to take some time to reflect on my goals for the year and assess how I’m doing. Keep in mind, I’m doing this throughout the year, but I really give the remaining unchecked goals a good once over.


To figure out what I need to do to make them happen.

Am I doing the things I should be doing?

Have I slacked in any area (or areas) that have caused me to fall behind on a goal?

Can I change a strategy or tactic?

Do I need a new plan altogether?

Or, am I right where I want/need to be?

It’s Late In The Game But The Game Is Not Over

Success in your life, and your voice over business, won’t happen by accident. It’s the result of intentional actions taken daily, working towards a common purpose… your goals!

It’s easy to look at the dwindling number of days and weeks left on your calendar and determine or declare defeat. Please don’t! You’re not defeated. Do you have any idea how much you can accomplish in three months if you focus on the right things?


5 Steps For A Winning Fourth Quarter

Here’s five steps you should take today to make your fourth quarter count!

Goals Assessment: How are you doing? What goals have you accomplished? Which goals still remain? Have any of your goals changed because your focus or your priorities have changed? Take some time to assess where you’re at and make sure your goals are still in alignment with what you want to achieve.

Pick 3 Goals: From the list of goals you’ve not yet accomplished, pick your top three. I don’t want you to give up on your other goals, but I also don’t want you to overwhelm yourself if you’ve got a long list remaining. Determine the three that are most important to you and what you want to accomplished.

Make A Plan: Now that you’ve got your three top remaining goals, spend some time breaking each of them down into bite sized chunks. From those bit sized chunks map out a plan. What will you accomplish in a month? What do you need to accomplish week to week? What are you going to do each day to get there?

Write It Down: Once you’ve mapped it all out and you have a plan, write it down. Make it clear and concise. This is going to give you something to review daily that will keep you on track. When you know exactly what you need to do, you can prevent yourself from wasting time and effort on things that don’t align with your goals.

Visualize The Win: Take five minutes before you get started each day to visualize the win. It may sound like some kind of new age voodoo, but it’s not. Get still. Get quiet. Focus on exactly how you’re going to feel when you accomplish that goal. Let yourself feel it as if it’s already done. As you experience those feelings, head into your day with gratitude. You’re now working towards your dreams with plan and purpose. That’s something to be grateful for!

Each day, as you do exactly what you know you need to be doing, you’ll feel yourself starting to get closer to accomplishing your goal. As you measure that progress daily, it’s going to affect you. You’ll start to feel a sense of accomplishment. You’ll see what seemed unreachable coming within your reach. You’ll begin to get excited and that’s going to crank up your motivation.

It’s the fourth quarter… it’s time to go for the win!

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